I hope your 2014 Autumn season has been full of pumpkin spice lattes, fabulous scarves, and fuzzy slippers! As for me - I've been reveling in my favorite time of year in New Mexico. Crisp mornings with azure blue skies full of balloons are fantastic - just don't crash into another car on your drive to work.
There are only a few days left until my daughter's 4th birthday and then Halloween. This year the theme for her party is Adventure Time! She loves it...we love it = win/win!
Until the BIG days (the 30th and 31st) I'm super excited to announce my 1st Annual Halloween Party with A Fanciful Twist, happening today!
I love Vanessa Valencia - major major art-girl crush <3
I'm happy to say that I am the proud owner of some of her stickers and postcards, and eventually I'd like to collect a few of her awesome mixed media prints - SWOON! I especially love The Star Girl Follows Her Dreams and Tea Party - Avant Garden Wonderland. In addition to her wonderful art she is also an amazing blogger. Her articles are full of prose and fantastical photographs of flowers and sparkly things. Check it out by clicking the image below.
1. Comment below with the link to your blog's web address.
2. Save the image above, post it on your blog and link it back to http://afancifultwist.typepad.com
3. Link my blog http://belovedbijou.blogspot.com AND http://afancifultwist.typepad.com to your blog
4. Visit some of the other blogs on Vanessa's site and do the same.
5. If you don't have a blog then skip steps 1 through 3.
Happy Halloween!