
Monday, June 16, 2014

Camping in the Jemez Mountains

I haven't been camping in ages.  After much procrastination I finally decided to go with my family for Memorial Day weekend.   I was hesitant for several reasons

  • The weather - very unpredictable in May. Snow is still a factor.
  • Me time - I really wanted to be able to get in some undisturbed craft time.
  • Proximity to other people - Jemez is a popular choice and I don't like camping near other peeps but Adam assured me that "the shire" was secluded

It was cold and rainy/snowy the entire time. We had to work our asses of to keep the fire going.  And the fire that we did have was smoky as heck!

But during the cloud breaks the weather and scenery was absolutely blissful.


It had been raining and snowing so there was a lot of green everywhere. 


Even grass was growing over the road in "the shire."


We were warm in our tent with our North Face mummy bags


New Mexico could be called big sky country. 


Mmmmmm! Breakfast burritos made over an open fire


Our friends pit bulls loved running around the mountain top pasture,


...sniffing at the wildflowers and grasses.


Connecting with the outdoors is crucial to my sanity.   It was nice not to be able to use my phone all weekend (except to snap a few photos)


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