
Sunday, May 4, 2014

I FINALLY Hung Up Some Art

Hi Readers,

As you may have read in some of my previous posts, our house is currently a work in progress.  We are doing many things to it including:  upgrading the electrical, adding insulation, renovating the bathroom, adding a second bathroom, et cetera, et cetera.

It has been a slow process to get everything done because Adam is doing everything himself.  But, what we have accomplished so far has been awesome!  Especially adding insulation - woah!  What a difference.  That paid for itself already.

Anyway,  I'm having a Hemp Party on Friday the 9th to test out that line of products that I blogged about last post, so I wanted to spruce the place up a bit.  All of my artwork has been in storage in the basement and our walls have looked so stark :-(



This is a painting of my dad when he wad 10 years old, done by Helen McPherson.  To the left are a couple of his favorite photos that he took.


To the right of him is a nice little cluster of watercolors by Peggy Abrams


Next we have our family photos.  The first is Colonel José Guadalupe Gallegos,  one of my multi-great grandfathers.  It is fun to have his photo up and just refer to him as "The Colonel" all KFC style.

Below him is a blank space in which the photo of my great grandparents is supposed to go.  I can't remember for the life of me where I put it. Boo :-(  Hopefully it will turn up soon.


And next to him is a picture of Adam's multi-great grandparents, and also his multi-great uncles and their families "the Bukonia".

Below that is a print of a drawing done by my friend Chris McAfee.  He is an awesome artist whose prints can be found on Redbubble.

Chris McAfee on Redbubble


The last thing I have on this wall is a little display of Azalea's paintings. 

I'm looking forward to adding more art and family photos in the near future.


Where the magic happens


We hung a black and white photo collage above Adam's desk.

My dad took the top photo.  The one below it, of the moth, was left here by a previous resident.  The guy who lived here before my parents bought the house in 1979, had a dark room in the basement.  I loved this photo so much that I had it framed


We hung my favorite print of the twins by Ping Irvin above the dining room table


Notice the exposed lath and plaster next to the window - very classy.  It is kind of cool in a distressed shabby chic kind of way.


In the kitchen we hung a cluster of art above Azalea's play kitchen.

These include a linocut by Lewis Carleton Ryan (Mount Tom), and some drawings by WA Eskey (San Gabriel Mission) and Coulombe (Porte st Louis and Cote de la Montagne in Quebec).



Last, I had Adam hang a vintage black and white photo of an old butcher shop that my dad took in the late 1960s.

This can also be found on Redbubble.

Gerald Mandell on Redbubble



It is funny...taking all of these photos I noticed how many little details/finishing touches from our projects thst still need to be done.  Particularly, the switch plates and plug plates.  You can look at these little "loose ends" daily and not even notice them and forget that you need to finish them.   Better get to Lowe's before the party and buy some of that stuff,  lol.

Thanks for reading!
♡ Myria

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