
Friday, June 12, 2015

Feeling Uninspired

Hello Loves,

I have been in a funk lately - I've been uninspired and unmotivated which can really add to one's depressed feeling, especially if you create art as an emotional outlet.  It is incredibly frustrating on days like this, when I am home alone, and have all the time in the world to work on projects.

Some tools that I (and probably most of you) use to become inspired are Pocket, Bloglovin, and Pinterest.

The major downside to these are that you can get sucked into the web, and end up spending hours just browsing, reading, and pinning - AAAHHHHH!  What's a girl to do?

My answer is go back to paper.  Read your craft books and magazines because unlike the internet - they are finite.

 Once you've flipped through the pages it's done.  The End.

My favorite crafts books are:

The Stampin' Up Idea Book and Catalog.  Great for card making layout ideas - especially if you're a Stampin' Up customer.  Because then you can get ideas on how to use the materials and tools that you've purchased.  Mine is an older version but it is still great for looking up layouts.  Another added bonus is that your Stampin' Up rep will often give these to you for free if you ask.

I found this book at Tuesday Morning and bought it to get ideas on what to do with my button hoard.
Tuesday Morning has REALLY inexpensive books.  Some as cheap as $1 each.

I seriously love this magazine but I only own 2 of them because they are about $15 each.  
Look how many pages I've flagged!

I am always impressed with the artists that Stampington selects for their many catalogs.

I absolutely love this book but I haven't actually tried to make anything using it yet.  I bought it because I have a plethora of ribbon, and I figured learning how to work with them would come in handy.  Plus, ribbon embroidery is a dying art.  Let's keep it alive!
I have, however, read through the entire book and I can say that the instructions are very easy to follow.

My friend Kate introduced me to this book and I absolutely fell in love!  So gorgeous...

This book is primarily focused around soldering instructions, but on this page they show you how to do mixed media collage, which is useful in all sorts of projects.

Again, I haven't made anything using the instructions in this book yet but I am planning on getting into soldering.  I've received most of the tools necessary but I'm still missing some holders and clamps.

I just love this lady!  Not only is she an amazing seamstress but she is also an amazing painter!
You can purchase her fabrics and prints and other items on her website.  Plus if you subscribe to her newsletter she sends you monthly freebie wallpapers for all of your devices.

 This book comes complete with patterns.

So, basically if you actually want to be productive yet still gain inspiration, books can be an amazing tool.

I hope you found this useful!

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